As a business owner, receiving a copyright notice of litigation or being named a defendant in a copyright infringement lawsuit can be a nerve-wracking experience. It is essential to know how to respond to such notices and Complaints to avoid any legal complications that could harm your business and spend unnecessary resources defending against such […]
Author: Darren Heitner, Esq.
In today’s digital age, copyright and trademark issues have become increasingly common. As a website owner or content creator, it’s crucial to be aware of your rights and responsibilities when it comes to intellectual property. Unfortunately, there are situations where you might find yourself on the receiving end of a lawsuit or a demand letter […]
At Heitner Legal, we understand the importance of protecting your intellectual property and ensuring its exclusivity. In today’s competitive market, safeguarding your brand identity through trademark registration is crucial for long-term success. With our expertise and dedication, we strive to provide you with exceptional services that not only meet but exceed your expectations. If you […]
Have you received a demand letter from or been sued by Minden Pictures, Inc. based on an allegation of copyright infringement? If so, count yourself among the many who have become the target of this plaintiff, often represented by Global Rights Control before oftentimes being handed off to law firm Copycat Legal. Minden Pictures is one of […]
As previously discussed on this website, one of the most popular jurisdictions for intellectual property plaintiff lawyers to bring their lawsuits tends to be the Southern District of Florida. And one of the more active plaintiff firms in the space is SRIPLAW, not only for copyright infringement actions but also trademark infringement cases, and definitely […]
As you may already know, Heitner Legal is one of the most well-known law firms (for good reasons) when it comes to defending against copyright infringement claims. We are contacted almost daily to defend against claims and lawsuits brought by all of the popular plaintiff copyright firms, including but not limited to Doniger / Burroughs, […]
Are you involved in a case where there is a need for expert witness testimony from a sports lawyer? Is there a party who is an athlete with an alleged loss of economic opportunity, a sports-specific question that is highly nuanced such as one relating to athlete agent laws or NCAA policy, or do you […]
The Southern District of Florida tends to be one of the most popular jurisdictions for plaintiffs, particularly those with intellectual property claims such as copyright infringement and trademark infringement, to file Complaints that seek damages and injunctive relief. Oftentimes, plaintiffs and their law firms are able to convince judges to enter orders that grant temporary […]
Have you received a demand letter from a law firm informing you that you or your company has infringed on another’s trademark rights? If so, then you are not alone. We have been forwarded numerous emails and other written correspondence from plaintiff trademark law firms across the world, demanding action in the form of making payment, […]
If you’re reading this, then it is likely that you have received a demand to cease and desist violations of copyright laws with a threat that action will be taken pursuant to 17 USC 501 based on allegations of copyright infringement. The letter, likely signed by Stephen M. Doniger, Esq. begins by identifying the Doniger / Burroughs Law […]