Headline Sports Law Workers Compensation

Florida Professional Athletes Affected By New Workers Compensation Law

In January 2011, the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) released a report titled, “Dangers of the Game of Football.”  In the report, the NFLPA wrote that injuries went from 3.2 per week to 3.7 per week in 2010.  Further, 63% of NFL players were injured during the 2010 season compared to a 59% average […]

Copyright Cyberspace Headline Intellectual Property

The Status Of Online Copyright Infringement Law In 2011

2011 has been a year of very large copyright infringement complaint filings.  First came word that the makers of The Expendables are suing 23,322 John Does who allegedly downloaded the movie online for free using a program called BitTorrent.  Roughly a week later, a new lawsuit against 24,583 John Does who allegedly illegally downloaded the movie […]

Copyright Cyberspace Headline Intellectual Property

Movie Studios Sue Zediva for Copyright Infringement

Zediva does not have name recognition among the general public yet, but it certainly has plans to enter every American household.  Movie studios will do everything in their power to prevent that from happening.  On April 4, 2011, multiple movie studios filed a complaint for copyright infringement in the United States District Court Central District […]

Copyright Cyberspace Headline Intellectual Property

Makers of Hurt Locker Suing Over 24,000 Illegal Downloaders

Last week, I wrote about a lawsuit filed by the United States Copyright Group (USCG) on behalf of Nu Image regarding the supposed illegal downloading of Nu Image’s The Expendables movie.  At the time, the lawsuit was the largest file-sharing copyright infringement lawsuit based on the number of defendants (23,322).  That record did not last […]

Copyright Cyberspace Headline Intellectual Property

The PROTECT IP Act’s Fight Against Copyright Infringement

Yesterday, I wrote about the largest file-sharing copyright infringement lawsuit based on the number of defendants (23,322), which was recently filed.  The subject of the matter is the illegal downloading of the 2010 movie, The Expendables.  While the studio that released the movie will probably be happy based on the sheer number of small settlement offers […]

Copyright Cyberspace Headline Intellectual Property

Maker Of The Expendables Suing Over 23,000 Illegal Downloaders

On IMDb, The Expendibles has a rating of 6.7 out of 10, based on over 79,000 people rating the movie.  It is certainly not one of the more popular movies to be released in 2010, but that does not mean that nobody watched it.  In fact, a lot of people viewed the movie after its […]

Contracts Headline Sports Law

Kent State’s Buyout Clause And Tortious Interference Claims

A common clause in a professional or college sports coach contract is a buyout clause.  This clause typically stipulates the amount of remuneration a coach will have to tender the college or professional team if he decides to change jobs prior to the expiration of the contract, and also lays out how much money the school or […]

Defamation Headline Torts

Defamation Claim Against Baltimore Radio Station

Proving $800,000 worth of damage in any lawsuit is not an easy task.  When it is a lawsuit primary based on supposed defamation, that task’s difficulty is multiplied many times over.  In general, it is very tough to prove a defamatory act. Recently, a radio staffer at one radio station sued another radio station (WNST) […]

Headline Intellectual Property

Everything Stored on Facebook is Discoverable

This past week, I was published in the NYU School of Law IP and Entertainment Law Ledger.  The piece, titled, “You May Not ‘Like’ This Title: Everything Stored On Facebook Is Discoverable,” takes a look at how Facebook’s content may be used as evidence in a lawsuit.  Content that we publish on our Walls and […]

Cyberspace Defamation Headline Sports Law Torts

Spooner v. Associated Press and Krawczynski

While many women believe that a “diamond is forever,” what do judges think about Tweets made on the social networking site Twitter?  Are statements made within Tweets stuck in a cache for eternity?  Upon clicking “Tweet,” has it been published?  Does it matter in a defamation case? Last week, it was revealed that Bill Spooner, […]