Sports Law

Workers’ Compensation Landmark: Vaughn Booker v. Cincinnati Bengals

In general, workers’ compensation does not receive the same level or exposure and attention from both the world of academia and the media that other areas of law garner. However, in recent months there have been multiple decisions by courts that are being labeled as “landmark” in the workers’ compensation arena, especially in regards to […]

Contractual Issues Endorsement Deals

ZICO Beverages is Suing Chad Johnson for Breach of Contract

The following article was written by Benjamin Haynes, Esq. On February 1, 2013, ZICO Beverages LLC (ZICO) filed a Complaint against Chad Johnson, aka Chad Ochocinco, in the state of California. Back in June of 2012, ZICO entered into an endorsement agreement with Johnson. Pursuant to the terms of this agreement, Johnson was to “refrain from […]

Sports Law

Struggle Between How To Keep NFL Players Safe And The Game "Safe"

“Thirty years from now, I don’t think it will be in existence. I could be wrong. It’s just my opinion, but I think with the direction things are going – where [NFL rules makers] want to lighten up, and they’re throwing flags and everything else – there’s going to come a point where fans are […]

Entertainment Law

The Rise Of The 360 Deal In The Digital Age

Modern music offers a wide variety of innovations, genres, styles, and sounds that are more available to the public then ever before.  Not only has the Internet made this wide world a smaller place, but technology has made it both easier and more affordable for bands and artists to record their music at home.  In […]

Contractual Issues

Athletes, Morality Clauses, and Social Media

The following article was written by Benjamin Haynes, Esq. A morals/morality clause is a provision within a contract, which holds a party to a certain behavioral standard. Generally, athletes and actors will see this type of clause in endorsement contracts with various businesses. Recently, a lawsuit filed on behalf of Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall against […]

Copyright Intellectual Property

Courts Demand Detailed Plan For Expedited Discovery In BitTorrent Copyright Infringement Cases

There does not seem to be any decrease in the number of defendants accused of engaging in copyright infringement through the use of BitTorrent, a peer-to-peer file sharing program.  However, courts continue to show a reluctance to give plaintiffs, in those cases, all the tools they wish to use in an effort to squeeze every single […]


A Look Down the Road for Robert Griffin III: Lawsuit Against the Redskins?

The following article was written by Benjamin Haynes, Esq. The term “Gross Negligence” was mentioned in a recent article written by the This term was in reference to the Washington Redskins Head Coach, Mike Shanahan playing Robert Griffin III (RGIII) in the playoff game against the Seattle Seahawks. Robert Griffin initially injured his knee during a […]

Intellectual Property Trademarks

It Is Tricky To Trademark A Vulgar Term Or Phrase

Have a scandalous mark that you wish to get protected for statutory purposes through filing an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)?  Make sure to think long and hard before spending the time and money filing that application. The USPTO defines scandalous material as “shocking to the sense of truth, decency or […]


Jason Terry Sues Financial Advisors for Allegedly Costing him $2-4 Million

The following article was written by Benjamin Haynes, Esq. Jason Terry has filed a 24-page complaint in Federal Court against former financial advisor William C. Crafton. Terry has also named Suntrust Bank, Martin Kelly Capital Management, Adam Fein, and CSI Capital Management as Defendants in the complaint. The complaint states that Terry’s financial advisors cost him […]

Intellectual Property

3-Dimensional Printing and its Patent Implications

The following is a guest contribution by David Greene, Esq. of Greene and Greene, Attorneys at Law. In the last year or so, I have been hearing a lot about a newish technology known as 3D printing. Before this past year, these printers were expensive, but lately have come down in price to the point of […]