Antitrust Sports Law

NCAA 5-Year Rule Survives Challenge: Court Denies Baseball Player’s Request for Injunction

In a significant ruling that could impact numerous pending challenges to NCAA eligibility rules, the United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia has denied a preliminary injunction sought by University of Georgia baseball player Dylan Goldstein, who had exhausted his NCAA eligibility but sought to play one additional season. The Case: Goldstein […]

Antitrust Contractual Issues

Could Carter’s Clothing v. Nike Lead to Antitrust Litigation?

The following article was written by Benjamin Haynes, Esq. This is David vs. Goliath. On one hand, you have Carter’s Clothing and Footwear, a small clothing store located in Massachusetts.  On the other, you have Nike, the premier sports apparel company. Recently, the family owned store, Carter’s, filed a federal lawsuit against Nike. In this lawsuit, […]


MLB Commissioner Legal Advantages

The following article was written by Evan Zepfel. The Major League Baseball Commissioner’s power stems from Article I of the MLB Constitution, which grants the commissioner the broad power to act ‘in the best interests of the game’ (§2).  The commissioner of baseball enjoys two significant legal advantages over the commissioners of the NFL and […]

Antitrust Headline Sports Law

One-Year Scholarship Rule Antitrust Battle

Last Monday, Joseph Agnew, a former Rice University football player, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco based on the NCAA’s one-year scholarship rule.  The rule restricts a school from giving an athletic scholarship to a student-athlete for more than one-year at a time. Agnew was affected by […]

Antitrust Contracts Cyberspace Headline Trade Secrets

Google, Apple, Intel, Adobe, Pixar, Intuit Told To Get Out Of Bed With Each Other

A no-poach agreement is just slightly different than a non-compete agreement.  A majority of states permit employers to place non-compete clauses in employer contracts and even have standalone non-compete agreements with employees that are separate from the employment contracts that are executed.  California is known as being one of the few states that rarely permits a […]