If you get sued in court, will your Facebook privacy settings protect you from opposing counsel’s request for electronic discovery? If that information is material and necessary for the opposition’s case and the need for the information outweighs any privacy concerns, then that “private” information might be available, no matter what privacy settings you set […]
In May 2010, I had an article published titled, The Plight of PASPA: It’s Time to Pull the Plug on the Prohibition. It argues that the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992, which denies 46 states from adopting any type of state-sponsored sports betting scheme, has an outdated purpose and is in violation of […]
Illegal Incense
Certain states permit limited marijuana use for medicinal purposes. No state accepts its widespread use, especially for recreational purposes. While there are scientific results that prove the effectiveness of doctor-recommended marijuana for serious medical conditions, there are no such studies that conclude the same about marijuana substitutes. Recently, there is a substance known as K2, […]
S. 3804: The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act, was introduced in the U.S. Senate on September 20, 2010. Sponsored by Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the bill is supported by the Motion Picture Association of America, US Chamber of Commerce, Screen Actors Guild, Viacom, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, and […]
Last week, we looked at a case where Google was found guilty of defaming a person based on Google’s search engine’s suggested results when the person was typing his name in the search box. In a similar case, a woman named Beverly Stayart sued Yahoo! after she put her name into Yahoo!’s search engine and […]
One of the first things any law school student will learn in what is usually a 2L Legal Drafting course is that punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure really do matter. I remember my professor telling us that the placement of a single comma affected whether the plaintiff in a case would be given a $2+ […]
What if you opened up your browser, surfed over to Google.com, and while you were typing in your name into the Google search box, the words “rapist”, “satanist”, and “prison” were produced as suggestions? You might laugh off the error, but what if you are somebody whose reputation and/or business is affected by people searching […]
The University of South Carolina and University of Southern California have had their fair share of battles this year. Both schools have mostly defeated the competition, each with only one loss thus far this season. The two schools have also had to deal with NCAA scrutiny. Southern California has a 2-year bowl ban, 4 years’ […]
Post Format: Standard
All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was playing in a garden, and she plucked another flower and ran with it to her mother. I suppose she must have looked rather delightful, […]
When you think of lawyer, do you think of someone who is Jewish? That would be called a stereotype, and while there is nothing wrong with you thinking that way, is there something wrong with playing up on the idea that Jewish attorneys are more desirable than non-Jewish attorneys? The Jewish American Bar Association is […]