
Affordable Aerial Photography Loses Copyright Case Due To The Discovery Rule

Recent decisions in the Southern District of Florida continue to shape how courts approach the statute of limitations in copyright infringement cases. The February 27, 2025 decision in Affordable Aerial Photography, Inc. v. Beach Town Real Estate, LLC provides important insights into how courts apply the “discovery rule” in copyright cases and what constitutes reasonable […]


Copyright Infringement Attorneys Fees Not Awarded In Case With Early Dismissal

A major consideration in copyright infringement cases is whether attorneys’ fees will be awarded at the end of a proceeding. It is a point of leverage that can be used by both the plaintiff and defendants as they seek to negotiate a pre-trial resolution. Ultimately, if the case goes to trial and a verdict, then […]


What To Do If You Receive An Affordable Aerial Photography Complaint And Summons

Have you received a demand letter from a law firm that represents Affordable Aerial Photography, Inc. or received a Summons and Complaint concerning a lawsuit that has been filed against you by Affordable Aerial Photography? If so, then you are not alone. We have been forwarded numerous emails and other written correspondence from law firms representing […]


What To Do If You Receive A CopyCat Legal Copyright Demand Letter And Draft Complaint

Have you received a demand letter from the CopyCat Legal law firm based in Coral Springs, Florida? If so, then you are not alone. We have been forwarded emails, letters, and drafts of complaints, as well as other written correspondence from lawyers Daniel DeSouza, Esq. and James D’Loughy, Esq. at CopyCat Legal, demanding very large sums […]