Headline Intellectual Property Right of Publicity Sports Law

New Right Of Publicity Legislation Could Negatively Impact Athletes

Very talented athletes stand to make more money from off field/court/ice/etc. activities than what they earn based on performing in the trade that they are truly qualified.  Agents, attorneys, and marketers attempt to find and negotiate these deals for their athlete clients.  Often times, those deals are licensing agreements, or at least contain provisions that […]

Headline Intellectual Property Sports Law

Upper Deck Sued For Using Karim Abdul-Jabbar’s Likeness Without His Permission

When a trading card company uses a professional athlete’s picture on one of its cards, it needs to first have permission from the athlete before printing the cards and selling them to the public for profit.  Karim Abdul-Jabbar is ready to put up a fight against the Upper Deck Inc. after the company released cards […]