
Heitner Legal Helps An NBA Player And Sports Betting Handicapper With Trademark Registration

We do not always post about our victories in obtaining trademark registrations with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, but it is fun to highlight some of the more interesting success stories. Below are a couple of our more recent registrations, one for a professional basketball player and another for a sports betting handicapper.


The first that we will highlight is a design mark for FVV. It is a good looking logo used by Toronto Raptors player Fred Van Vleet, and owned in a corporate entity, which is a smart move — there are benefits to keeping intellectual property in separately held corporate entities. The mark has been and will continue to be used in connection with the sale of an array of apparel.


The other registration we recently received is for a sports betting handicapper that goes by the name of BeatinThe Bookie. He has achieved amazing success with his subscription-based business and has a very avid following on Twitter. It was an honor to serve as his counsel through the process, especially when he had low expectations of success when we first started talking.