One of our areas of focus at Heitner Legal is protection and enforcement of trademarks. We take pride in our knowledge of working through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and its many qualified examining attorneys in order to obtain registration of marks that many find to be very valuable.
In the past month, we have successfully helped our clients earn multiple registrations. The following three serve as examples:
This mark is owned by former NFL player Terrell Owens. Since retiring from the NFL, Owens has been busy building a brand focused on apparel. He is using the mark ‘PROTOTYPE81’ as well as a few designs (which are pending for registration) to sell this apparel in commerce.
On September 13, Owens earned the registration to PROTOTYPE81 for use with apparel, namely, shirts, hoodies, sweatpants and shorts.
This mark, which resembles a flame, is a design mark now owned by Duenas Mobile Applications, LLC, the creator of the very popular mobile app “My Mixtapez.” It became registered on August 30 for use with providing a display of rankings of popular music based on social media for entertainment purpposes.
This mark is also now registered to Duenas Mobile Applications, for use with design and development of software for the creation of mobile phone applications and client interfaces.
We love receiving mail from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, because it typically means that our clients have gained important protection for the marks that they use. This can be valuable for licensing purposes and to restrict competitors from trying to palm off their goodwill in the relevant marketplace.