
Chuck D Seeks To Bring The Noise To Michael Closter In Copyright Case

Carlton Ridenhour, better known as the rapper Chuck D., who founded hip-hop group Public Enemy, has filed a Complaint for declaratory relief regarding the ownership of copyrights, as well as causes of action for fraud and conversion against Michael Closter and Closter’s fully owned Reach Global, Inc. He claims that the defendants used false copyright […]


What Is Fair Use For Parody Works Is A Central Issue In Logan Paul Copyright Case

Internet personality Logan Paul, who has millions of subscribers on his YouTube channel, has been sued for copyright infringement. The Complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, alleges that his composition “No Handlebars” willfully infringes on an original composition by Flobots titled, “Handlebars.” The original was written and recorded in […]


You Need A Copyright Registration Before Filing A Lawsuit, And Supreme Court Explains What That Means

What do you need in place prior to bringing an action for copyright infringement? That specific question was decided by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corp. v., LLC, et al.


Costs In A Copyright Case Can Be Collected, But They Are Limited By Statute

Copyright infringement lawsuits must be brought in federal court. These cases are often filed by lawyers who not only think their clients can score a sizable judgment, but also have the opposition cover legal fees and costs. However, a new United States Supreme Court decision places a limit on what a prevailing party can actually […]

Copyright Right of Publicity

No One Can Own A Dance Step, Says Fortnite Publisher In 2 Milly Lawsuit

Is it true that no one can own a dance step? That is what video game publisher Epic Games is arguing in a motion to dismiss that it filed on February 11 in a federal case that was brought by Terrence “2 Milly” Ferguson.


Supreme Court Set To Decide When A Copyright Case Can Be Filed Once And For All

The U.S. Supreme Court is not only looking at an interesting trademark case, but also a copyright concern that has the potential to have a major impact on copyright infringement litigation.


Use Of VPNs Could Be Considered Copyright Infringement

Virtual private networks (“VPNs”) and other blocking proxies allow users to hide their IP address in order to make themselves appear to be in another country. People do this in order to access content not otherwise accessible in their country. For instance, Netflix provides different shows and movies depending on the country in which one […]

Copyright Entertainment Law

The Importance of Music Publishing Companies

Music publishing companies are extremely valuable to the future of recording artists and groups in the music industry. Most artists are typically concerned about securing their first major recording deal with a top label; as a result, they fail to see the importance behind obtaining or forming a publishing company. There are many record labels […]

Copyright Cyberspace Headline Intellectual Property

Internet Service Providers Considering New Graduated Response To Copyright Infringement

The Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA), also known as DMCA 512 was passed in 1998 as part of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). OCILLA is also known as the “Safe Harbor” provision in the DMCA, which shields internet service providers (ISPs) from being forced to pay any monetary damages as a result of […]

Copyright Headline Intellectual Property

Copyright Infringement Subpoena: To Challenge Or Not To Challenge

In order for a copyright holder to get personal information of someone whom is considered to be illegally infringing the copyright, the copyright holder likely must subpoena the infringer’s internet service provider (ISP).  The person accused of infringing activity has the right to file a motion to quash the subpoena; however, the accused infringer will […]